Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Snail Mail

Hello lovelies how are you all? Well I'm running mega late today as I have a poorly daughter :0(
I have a card for you today using one of the yummy  uber gorgeous new images that Krista recently put in her store. Have you seen them.........of course you have ;0) Now how on earth could I pick one to put on my card...............well I did eeny meeny miney.........................

......................mo, yep I went with the gorgeous 'Snail Mail' I love her sweet face & while I missed colouring the long hair............this chick really suits it short doesn't she!!!

If you havn't already.............I mean like if you got abducted by aliens so were not able to get the new images ;0) then pop yourself over to Saturated Canary to check them out.........warning lots of ooohhhing & aahhhhing noises make come from your wee voice box ;0) 

Tatty bye lovelies, for anymore info pop on over to my blog here.


  1. Stunning card!!! hope your daughter gets well soon!

  2. What an adorable card! I love the colors!!! You did an amazing job coloring her and the banner is so perfect!

  3. Wow simply gorgeous image coloured so beautifully xx

  4. I must have missed an announcement Krista... are you no longer doing challenges? Your blog is still referred to as a "Challenge Blog" but when I click on the latest challenge icon it shows the last one was Dec. 5, 2013. I keep coming every day watching for the challenge... what am I missing?
    Thanks! ginny

  5. Hi Ginny! yes! you missed the announcement! the post you need to read is all the way back on this post HERE.
    Hope this helps some!
    hugs Lou xxx

    1. ahhh... thank you! If I may make a suggestion then? I would recommend taking the words Challange Blog off your title - maybe make it Inspiration Blog? I will still be coming to see the fabulous work of your DT, but it is a wee bit misleading for new people - especially when you have an icon to "go to current challenge Here" still prominent on your home page. I do not belong to Facebook so I am not going to be able to go there.
      Thanks again Lou for explaining!

  6. Hi Ginny! yeah, Krista is working on that but things have been so totally hectic recently its been put a little on hold!!!
