Monday, April 11, 2016

Sweet Girl ♥

Hi everyone and Happy Monday!
Franz here, with a super sweet Saturated Canary girl who is part of a set called "Faces".
I think she's so sweet, she reminds me of Cinderella! So I coloured her dress in blue tones:
(Image: Saturated Canary - Faces Pack)

Since she is so lovely and sweet, I thought to create a very romantic card for her  and I used shabby papers from Pion Design, doilies and lots of flowers:

(Image: Saturated Canary - Faces Pack)

I coloured her in quite bright colours, but I made the background using warm greys to give to the image a vintage touch.
I used a combination of Confetti and Smooshy Technique to colour my background.

 (Image: Saturated Canary - Faces Pack)
Thank you for stopping by today,
A big hug,