Friday, July 27, 2012


saturated canary digi

Hello lovely readers!

Today I released some new stamps-- a couple ones perfect for the fall and a couple extras for any occasion.  I will have an ALL HALLOWEEN release later in August...which I'm really, super excited about!  I think you'll love the little creepies!:)

We also have some changes to announce!

Our Youtube DT has been selected. The six girls who will be making videos for you to enjoy are

These ladies are pretty to listen to and make great videos!  I hope you will join us soon for the SC Channel launch!

My Challenge blog DT lost two members to the Youtube team, so we have a few new additions here as well:).  Please welcome 

I am always excited to have creative and talented girls join my teams.  I look forward to sharing their creations with you in the future!

Have a happy Friday!


  1. How exciting! Can't wait to watch some great tutorials. Congrats to all of you!

  2. wohoooooo!! go youtube teamies :) :) xxxxxx

  3. Congrats to the new DT girls. I can't wait to see your work.

  4. Yesss... I'm so happy that I made the team! Thanks so much for choosing me!! And congratulations to the others too! :-)

  5. Cool!! Congrats to the YouTube team and the new DT! Looking forward to all the gorgeous creations and tutorials!

  6. Hi guys, Congrats to the girls that made it on the team, we will get started sooner than you think!! I will be in touch this weekend, thanks to Krista for allowing us to share our ideas with the rest of Saturated Canary fans!! whoo hoo super excited here, hugs to all fans of this lady's awesome art!! we luv ya gal xxxxVick
    YTChannel Vixcrafts

  7. yeeepeeee!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?!!!! =0D...congrats to the other ladies who made it too...Fabi xx

  8. Congrats to all of you great ladies!! Can't wait to see the new videos and all of the great new projects!!

  9. Yeah! Congrats ladies...too scared of YouTube to try it but will be watching.

  10. Congrats to all, BUT OH FABI I am so excited for you!!! Hugs my friend!!!!!

  11. yay..well done everyone..I'm super excited to be joining the DT <3..hugs Debs x

  12. Congrats to all and WOW to you Miss Fab. Excellent.......So excited for you........

  13. Congrats to everyone! did it! My best compliments, hun :)

    Hugs, Franz.

  14. Congratulations everone - great news and what super inspirations to look forward to.

    Toni xx

  15. Congrats to all new DT *Mindy, Debs and Alyce* and to the Youtube DT "Vicky, Carisa, Mary, Fabiola, Yani and Penni -"especially to Yani from Puerto Rico*-
    Can't wait to see the "new videos" and all of the great new projects!~
