Friday, October 21, 2011

Candy Bag.

I posted a fun paper candy bag on my blog yesterday...(You can check it out here*)...But, I had this idea in my head, too.  It's a little quicker to make, probably better for a large class or a big Halloween party.  No sewing involved;). 

saturated canary digi
saturated canary digi

You'll only need a clear candy bag (they sell these ones at my local craft the candy-making section:), a stapler, piece of cardstock (cut to fit the width of your bag and folded in half), a few decorations (like an SC, and some yummy snacks.  I think it looks ever cuter if the candy matches your cardstock colors!
saturated canary digi

It's pretty cute, huh?!?  (Sorry for the funky's very cloudy here today; I have no inside natural light.)

saturated canary digi

I know a lot of you girls are from the UK and maybe places that don't celebrate Halloween.  (What if you all just put on masks on October 31st and chose to make it a holiday?:):)  Anyways, this project doesn't have to be for only Halloween treats.  I used to package my plaques, pins, and mirrors this way for Etsy orders.  It just adds that nice little finishing touch that says I care about presentation:).  Also, you could do birthday treat bags this way and make them a little more unique than the store bought ones!:)
saturated canary digi

Here is a photo of the tree outside our back door.  It's turning really pretty shades of yellow.  While I love summer the most, I gotta say, these beautiful fall colors and yummy candy snacks are making me pretty happy:).  Even if it is a bit chilly in the mornings now:).

Is it changing seasons in your part of the world yet??


  1. It's changing colours outside here too - & all the leaves are blowing off & it's darker earlier in the day. I so agree with you about presentation - it makes such a difference & really sets what you & one does apart from the rest. I do like your idea of matching your cardstock to the treats' colours too - it's these things that stand out.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. oh that is too cute krista!! its sooooo cold here in the mornings now, though we have been promised some sun from the weather man today so i am hopeful!!! I am in the UK and little mo and I lurve halloween! we started our pumpkin carving on weds night !! 11 more to go!! my mum always gets us a load of pumpkins from her friend!
    hug Lou xxx

  3. Oh yes I will keep that in mind for big sweeties birthday this summer ♥ Nice idea!!

  4. Here in the UK its cold amd crisp in the early mornings and evenings, but warm in the sunshine during the day. The colours of the leaves are beautiful and they are just begining to fall.
    Just like your picture.
    Hugs n' smiles
    Chris x

  5. Thanks for sharing the cute bag idea and the tree picture!! This is my first year in Texas after living in NY and PA all my life. I really miss Fall ~ it was my favorite time of the year!!

  6. Halloween gets bigger and bigger each year here in the UK. we do halloween BIG, BIG, BIG at the library where I work as it's a safe environment for the kids to dress up and enjoy some scary fun. The children's room is currently decorated as a graveyard - looks fab. Autumn colour has also reached us and I love the beautiful trees that surround my home. I also love that my fruit trees are bowed low with apples and pears. I love baking pies and muffins at this time of year, and it makes up for the fact that my strawberries and red currants have finished. Thanks for another lovely post, have a great weekend, Jo x

  7. Hello Krista these look yummy and the bags are brilliant, ive never had a peanut cup, are they filled with peanut butter cos I love that!! Well off to see which of your digis I can buy today........I want the lot they are addictive and so cute xxxx

  8. What a fabby idea Krista, I love it!!! I really love this time of year....the colder days and all the beautiful Autumn colours are just gorgeous!!!
    Take care and big hugs
    Emma xxx
